Our First Blog!

Exciting news for ARCC

Brought to you by our dedicated student intern, Laira Anaya, ARCC will be presenting a blog that aims to inspire and educate members by producing original and thoughtful content regarding anti-racism.

Introducing Laira Anaya

Introducing Laira Anaya
Hi, my name is Laira and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a student intern for ARCC; my commission is creating blog posts. This is the perfect opportunity for me because I love reading, writing, creating content, and spreading positivity.

I am fifteen and I’m getting prepared for my sophomore year of high school. I live in Key West, Florida, a very inclusive yet small town. My parents were born in Cuba and came to Miami, where they had my twin brother and I. My father is a fisherman that loves marine biology and he never passes up the opportunity to teach me something new. My family is really important to me and has helped shape me into who I am today.

Because of my relentless reading, I’ve acquired so much comprehensive and writing skills. My hobbies also include distance running, lifting weights, yoga, painting, volleyball, cooking, snorkeling, and video editing. Distance running, which includes cross country and track, is so important to me; it’s one of my passions.

I’m ultimately passionate about spreading knowledge and positivity to make this world a better place. I will use this awesome platform to do exactly that. Being part of ARCC is already helping me make this world better, so being able to make blogs that work towards our mission means the world to me.