February 2024

Do Protests Work?

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Hi guys welcome back to our meet. I'm Lila Spinoza. I'm Deja Door. I'm Derek. Hi I'm Lyra. Today we're going to talk about live protest and how they have impacted us in our everyday lives, past and present. So if you go on."


The law will go protest is defined by a statement or action expressing its approval or an objection to something. I would describe quotas as people coming together, people leaving the same cause and want to change for that cause. How would you describe quotas?


um, a coming together of a whole lot of people, to express something they feel as though needs change or awareness.


I'm out.


Go ahead, Lyra.




A lot of times when we talk about protestors also mention of riots, so if you go on... Is that better? It's frozen. Oh, it's good now. If they think of protestor riots...


I was going to go after the example, this would be like you. Oh, yeah. As long as you're not. No. So I was trying to go through like the definition of protests and riot stories and then going to an example of like an instance where some people consider the protests while others consider a riot. Okay. I think then we just were.


And if you want to know why it is described as a violent disturbance of the peace by the crowd And I feel like it's depending on what side you're on I feel like people call it riots when it's people who don't agree with what is happening And choose to use the word right to scare people into believing what people are doing is wrong and violent Sometimes riots are happening but most of the time


It is just people who don't believe in the action and choose to call it a riot. She's scared of it. Oopsies. I'm not too close. I'm trying to reach you. I'm not. I'm pointing at them. I'm not in. Wait, wait, wait. Why are you looking at me? I'm not. It's so weird.


I feel like we should play a disco song every time. It's every time. Oh, make the change. Oh, you're playing for the people now? No, it's like, it's five minutes but... Wait, is it five minutes?


So at 8 or at 805 or at 755 right now? No, we start at 8, we let people join at 8, and then we start at 805. You told me to play at 755!


I'm sorry.


Which I call it. Do you know what? Yeah. After? You might want to introduce BLM as a theme. Because if you say riots versus protests, and then we say one protest that we all know about is Black Lives Matter, and then we can just discuss that. Okay, so we have like, never said about protests and like, their impact, especially, like, more specifically BLM. Yeah, because that's what we all know of. And it's something we can use as an example while we...


Thanks so much.


feel on the other racism. Because all of us have to do racism. Yeah. But if we kind of just focus on that as a core, then they can.


What are you working with?


I mean we can all, yeah, we all have BLM except for you. So it's BLM all over. Yeah, mine is all international. Mine stays, mine stays the most. So what is y'all's focus? What do y'all know it most about? Mine is on the BLM movement in itself. Mine is a case that happened after BLM and to see if BLM was actually...


positive or consider. So I think, you just go her. Do you want to do the overview? I feel like it might be the last one. Cause it's like after. I feel like you should go after because you've had an America like that. So I think Elyon starts and then after Ryze is you. And then it goes you and then Dietra and then you cause you're the case of Dietra. And then Al. Ending.


I feel like it should end on BLM though. Mine isn't, no, we're not ending on anything. We're ending on how we think we think. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. I over-talked about the definition of protest in riot. Before that moment, you just BLM. Lyra goes, talk about police brutality. Then I say you go.


Mine is after BLM, yours is a case. Mine is international. Mine is after BLM. Mine is after before everything.


You have an actor? Yeah. I have international, but it's just every base actor I know. He's been to BLM everywhere. He has just bought Australia and Japan. But I think, where's your... Because here's the case all day. In 2021. Here's the case of BLM. She's talking about BLM. BLM. So BLM example of it. I'm going to make the game. Yeah. Yeah, so that's what she's doing. I'll talk and then we'll just talk about protesting. Oh my gosh, should I do this one? Ms. Lori can jump in and then... Yeah, you guys, I think we got a minute. Introduction. Like before I introduce you to BLM, I want to talk about BLM. I'm going to talk about BLM. I'm going to talk about


police brutality person you define you define definition but how I have that


I think she's introducing the topics she might want to say. Just like the face sentence introduction. And then you go over the next sentence. Alright, run. We got it. You? That's how I'm gonna run it. I'm just gonna say run, just run. Quick run.


Come... Go start. What was she doing?


She's shaking because I'm cold. How are you cold? Thanks for this. It's awesome. Thanks for having me. I'm going to go and wash my hands. OK. I'm going to put a zenith first. Thank you. You're welcome.


I know but I'm I'm I'm


I was so sick of his. Yeah. You bet. No, I think Clayton wants to be seen. That's my grandpa. That's your grandpa. She's here to support me. Okay, you're gonna have to be. You're gonna be the right. Okay, fine. Just like every other time. Oh, can I hear you? Can I hear you?


Oh, but they can hear the music? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, they can hear it. Can you just hang around? So when you start a date or... I'm gonna get the song. When the song ends. I think it's just a little wave of our dancers in the air. Get some fly-by's going. I wonder how... During the BLM contest...


We're more bourgeois.


Yes. But I shot it totally. Why do you have that? How much of that do you have? Oh, you shot it? OK. So I got this article of like eight countries with activists, and they all had their like,




I can't think of what to do.


Dancing, dancing, oh my gosh.


Thank you very much.




I'm going to try to throw you everywhere.


I'm going to take a picture right now.


I'll do it guys. How many people are on there? 12


You're just a singer the whole time.


I was just gonna say, I can like...


Your hands turn slower than mine. But it's not here, it's like from here. I remember the words and I'm here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Dispatch the music.


Yeah. Shala? One second, one second. No.


I'm Dietra. I'm Barrett. Hello, I'm Lyra. And today we're going to be talking about protests and their impact, specifically BLM. So the definition of protest and evil on Google is a statement or action expressing disapproval or objection to something. And I personally see, I agree with that statement, but I also see protest as people coming together who believe in the same cause and who want to change.


I also hear with Ariane, I feel as though protests are, when you protest, a large multitude of people come together and talk about or bring awareness.


Talk about what if stuff that needs to be changed. To me, a protest is a movement towards something that doesn't have any support for people who push it. So for example, if you have one person for a protest, it's not impactful. But if you have hundreds of thousands, it has a meaning to more people. So it means it's going to get pushed more if you want to see it more.


Okay, to add on to what Disha said, to me, I see it as the power in collecting races and people and movement to instill change for social, political, and economic injustice to help communities.


A lot of times when we're talking about protests, the word riot comes up. So if you go on the internet, riot is described as a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd. And I see riot sometimes as people who don't agree with what is happening and choose to use the word to scare people and to believe in what other people are doing is wrong. And if they don't agree with whatever is being processed against, they would consider it a riot to scare people from joining the cause and getting the change that those people want.


I just finished the riot. I feel as a riot is, it's a violent, a violent multitude of people coming together, creating violence rather than bringing change. I mean, the opposite of what, I feel like it's not the opposite of protest, but I feel like when you protest, like Elionie said, riot is a word that gets brought up. And.


It's just, it has a negative connotation on what the word protest means.




So the reason why we bring up riots are because they're a big barrier to most people understanding what protests are in general. And they make people kind of disregard protests, like Black Lives Matter protests. And it's an unfair way to represent these large masses of people fighting for change. And that's why I bring it up, because it's unfair that these people working hard for justice are represented in this way when the majority of the issues that they're facing is due to the police


which is ironic because that's exactly what they were fighting against.


And then you want to just...


So today we're gonna talk about BLM. I know a lot of you guys already know what BLM is because it's been very popular or was popular, but just in case for those who don't understand or want more information on it, it was started back in 2013 by three black women, Aliza Garza, Patrice Coolers, and Oka Altamani. And it was done for the murder, the death of Trayvon Martin. And then later on in 2020,


and for publicity after the death of George Floyd when he was an African-American who died at the hands of the police officer. Starting off, I just want to reiterate, if anyone doesn't know that BLM was created a black center political will and movement building project called Black Lives Matter.


which began with the social media hashtag, hashtag Black Lives Matter, with a quote of George Zimmerman in the shooting desk of J. Wilmore and then June 12th. So I go more into depth. So in 2020, the vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests.


more than 93% of them were peaceful, but unfortunately the media has spun the views of others showing BLM being all about rioting and violence rather than the actual purpose of the movement, which is ultimately to educate others of racial disparities and threats of violence black people especially, violence black people especially in America are going through daily, yearly, and have been going through for centuries now.


The largest push in the Black Lives Matter movement was the death of George Floyd in 2020. We should all know that he was pinned down on his neck by an officer, Derek Chauvin, who restricted Floyd's ability to breathe, that eventually led to his death on May 25th, 2020.


Floyd's highly publicized death was followed by those of Breonna Taylor, an emergency medical technician shot at least eight times inside her Lewisville, Kentucky home by plainclothes police executing a no-knock warrant, and Ahmaud Aubrey killed in a confrontation with three white men as he drove through the neighborhood in Broomsville, Georgia. Even Floyd's anguished gaffes were familiar with the same words of Eric Gardner uttered on a Staten Island street corner in 2014.


So I feel as though as a whole, black people want to believe in the justice system. But I've seen on a multitude of occasions, we haven't been shown justice and equality. We are told America is the land of equal opportunity. However, we have been shown redlining police brutality and socio economic discrepancies. Opportunities are not equal nor equitable.


Protesting riots in America is like having a child that you constantly tell you love them, but mentally and physically abused.




Okay, so our objective here, again, is protesting, even though each of us are black lives matter. It's really good for everyone to get an understanding. I mean, I learned a lot.


It shows us how strong these voices are that are going out on the streets and advocating for this. It's really strong causes that continue to go on every single day. And we want to talk about whether protests are effective at all, because despite all of this effort that we put into it, there isn't really any change, or there seems to be no change. So that's what we wanted to describe here.


And an example of this would be in New Jersey in the summer of 2021. There was a case where Edward C. Matthews, he was a black woman's neighbor, and he went over to her house in all the rain camera. You can see him calling her the F word and calling her monkey actor. And he was arrested under account of... while they heard the harassment.


So the black woman went to the police officer, told them that she was being harassed by this man. They went over to his house to confront him about this. They went inside his house, they found drugs, and that's when he got arrested. So I'm not sure if the Warranty County arrested him because of the racial harassment he was doing towards this woman or because of the drugs, because in New Jersey you get four years for having any kind of drugs.


but he could be set free with the behavior after four. So it just makes you think, was Matthews in prison for his hate crime action over having to do with drugs? Draft possession.


And then when I talked about the Burlington County Prosecutors Office, he said that his office committed to combat bias crimes that such actions would not be tolerated in their community. And then I feel like by using that case, it shows that they're...


Moving on from this police brutality that they saw with George Floyd, but was it actually, they didn't do it for publicity and to not get pay on or did they do it to stop the hate crimes?


Aside from BLM, I wanted to expand that internationally on what the cause of the...


BLM was to the entire world and also their opponents. So I have a couple that I'm gonna rip off. And the United Kingdom, when BLM first started, they started protesting in 2012 the same time that our protest started here. And they actually started to tear down a slave trader statue, and they threw it into the harbor because they believed that it shouldn't be up. Why would you have a statue of a slave trader? So that was the first thing.


And then the country as a whole on media stated that the society was no longer rigged against minority and they wanted to be regarded as a model.


After the UK put that on media and broadcasted it to the nation, the United Nations, the global government, kind of claimed it as an attempt to normalize white supremacy as Asian and black hate was still being pushed throughout the entire country. And really the protest wasn't really successful because the hate was still influenced and it was actually more at seeing the arrest. I think it was, you had a 20 times percent chance to be arrested before the protest.


I think it went to a 50 to 60. So obviously that protest wasn't impactful at all.


And then in Nigeria, I think it was 2017, they had a specific unit called the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, where there was a peaceful protest going on and they actually killed someone for peacefully protesting. So they emerged again and then they shot more, and then that's when BLM's attention got caught on and they started to send support to Nigeria and try to reflect back on it. Obviously, I stated that the protest was


And that's really the biggest problem is that they have no influence on their country.


And then one that was actually impactful was Japan, where they had a protest focused on BLM, but also on the hate towards the people, which was specifically towards biracial people. So two examples where there was a famous tennis player. He had a Haitian dad and a Japanese mom, but the people of the nation didn't like him representing them. So they said on a comedy talk show that he needed bleach.


Once people tried to address them, they didn't really refer back to it. They didn't really think of it as a bad thing, but saying someone needs to leave just because they're bad is...


the need to raise that protest was able to impact that and it actually proved to be successful in a way that biracial people were seeing more support and it was actually a few nonprofit organizations made in order to help those people. And it was also.


The Miss Universe of Japan, Miss Universe is obviously the best of the best women, and she also faced criticism just because she was virational. And that's what the protests helped push.


and Australia, which was the largest protest outside of the L.A., they had, they pushed for protest because 29% of the inmates were considered aboriginal, which is other races and whatnot, even though they only considered themselves 3% of the population. So South Australia made it mandatory to notify when an aboriginal was taken into custody by the


They made a government facility for them. So now they had to be notified every single time when an aboriginal was taken, which worked until they started taking more and then the whole country called the national crisis. So that protest was able to impact them, able to get them support from the government themselves and help them stop getting put in prison for no reason or just getting arrested just because they're considered an aboriginal.


In France, there was a very similar case to George Floyd by a man named Adoma Traor. He, in 2016, on his birthday, he was walking down the street for a friendly stroll, when for some reason there was four cops and they all, they all stopped him and they also, they put they put their knees on his neck, I think it was two of them, on his neck, and he died within six


They pushed for protest and they were able to ban, they were able to make the government ban chokehold arrest in France so that proved that France was able to show progression in the protest. And they're still protesting to this day to try to eliminate unrest with no cause because he was walking down the street and his family is still pushing. I think his sister holds an organization demanding protests still in that area.


In Brazil, the president of 2018 compared black people to cattle because they were ugly and dirty. They celebrated police brutality and he tried to strip the protections of black people, even though they considered they were considered 50% 56% of the population. The protests were able to bring the attention of media from white media, white controversial media just


It was consisted of only white media to the racism problem. It eventually led to the schools, which the president banned racism from being talked about in the schools. So the major companies of the country retaliated and they started a policy called Black-Only. They only hired black people and the president had to try to find a way to around it, but he couldn't, so those companies are still only doing black-only, which was a very successful protest in Brazil.


In New Zealand, they tried to protest and at first I thought it was successful just because of the government They have one of the most diverse governments with over half the people including women Including other races and including people open on the sexuality however, they the people face more hardships than natives and The more people face more hardships because they have a higher fatality rate that have a lower


average age and they have a higher risk of homelessness and most of them are losing their jobs. So the process going on there, they relied on the government because the government was so diverse but as seen the government didn't do much it just was kind of a point the government could stand on to say oh we're doing better even though they didn't do much for them. In India they started to focus on colorism which is discrimination based on color.


which was very rooted into the caste system and the history of India. So when they started to hold their protest, actors of...


actors of India actually started to see this and they started to reply in the schools of it and the media. The biggest thing they were able to do was change a name of a skin lightning cream. There was no effect of the process on government, on people, nothing. They changed the skin lightning cream. They just changed the name. However, the name was changed to...


fair and more to something else, but they still used skin lightening cream as their product, so it didn't do much, because why would you still have a cream named skin lightening if the protest was successful? And that's for a few of the most recent protests, their causes, their effects, how they influenced other people in the international space.


And now, we would like to introduce a surprise special guest, Miss Laurie, for joining us and helping us on this great, great adventure of our protest. Yes! So Miss Laurie, we just want to know a quick background on what you think of protest, what you've experienced, what you've seen, and then we'll get to some questions for you. I was listening to what you were saying. That was a really good roundup of everything that was happening in and out.


And we've been talking a lot about BLM. I'm really interested in how you guys would define what's effective. Because there were several protests that you were saying, this wasn't effective because the government did not do what they wanted them to do, right? I think that's an important question for us, especially to think about here in Florida, because there is little to no chance at this point in time that our government is going to do what we want them to do.


So that level of effectiveness.


Please think with you.


I think that, well I took that question up what I think success means. Yes, that's good. And how I perceive these protests. And for me, I think that to start on the small level, like getting, just having more people know the issue, like even being able to see things on social media.


I think there's 1% better than.


because they think it's what everyone else wants. Because.


Bringing back up where I said about Edward, Matthew, and about him being racist towards his woman, justice system could have been actually taking charge of this, like...


situation being like you guys shouldn't be racist to anyone or did they do it because of DLM and didn't want to receive backlash like the other post office received? So that's a good point because it kind of follows on to what Lyra was saying. If you're raising awareness and think about the civil rights struggle in this context.


Dr. King was, and all of those people, were constantly on the front lines. We were 16 images.


changed our lives. It also really embarrassed the people who were being racist. And so they wrote, Red News Awareness, that's one thing that was affected. They also embarrassed some people that were being racist. I don't know that those racists ever really changed their beliefs. But they changed their behavior because they were embarrassed to be seen doing that stuff.


And maybe that is one layer of being effective, right? We might not change everybody's mind, but we might make them realize that we as a group do not accept that behavior, and we have the right to say that. Maybe that's enough, I don't know. It's never enough.


What do you feel? I have something. I'm sorry for going backwards, but again, like a double standard. So January 6, 2021, it was considered a protest. But it was to the around white people going into the Capitol because a Democrat president had got elected. And a bunch of conservative white people came in and destroyed the white.


destroy the wilds essentially and it's just a double standard how the media perceived January 6th and how they perceived BLM like just how they went about it altogether just they didn't I feel like they went about it how it went but I feel like they didn't go about it as negatively as they did BLM and how Did you hear anybody call it a wrong?


No, I never, it was never a riot, it was a protest essentially, but it was a riot. I just read something today where somebody was calling it a, it's not an insurrection, it's a riot. Yeah. That's what, it was actually Trump's lawyers making that claim. Because then it's like, it's not his fault, he didn't call for an insurrection, these people just riot. Yeah.


Tracking that word usage is really important to them being sophisticated and being able to say, okay, now I see why they're using it. And the, there's, well, that disparity between white people and black people protesting, it's like really disturbing, and the criminal charges that they faced during that were like zero to none of the people that came into the Trump, I think only like, nothing.


Some of those people are servants in jail time. Oh, OK. Yeah. Well, I was doing research on BLM after George Floyd in Minneapolis. The first week that they started protesting, about 10,000 people were arrested. And then only in the.


Everyone's like, oh, well, they're rioting. But if you look into the arrests, 80% of those were from misdemeanor nonviolent charges. And on top of that, the police instilled their force in them and tear gassed them and even would shoot these bullets at them. We're still harmful, but it's just like you see people on the streets and this is how they get treated. But there's people invading the most


property in the United States and that's how it proceeds. I have one more thing to talk about. Oh, good. Yes. So BLM...


especially when the large jump in 2020 was about police brutality. And on January 6th, they did kill a police officer. I can't remember his name right now, but the protesters were so violent and aggressive that they caused this police officer to die and have stress on his heart


him and I feel like just the double standard like it's crazy like how how you want to stand up for something that you because you live in a country and you want to feel safe but


when you see other when you see people of the opposite races, white people do it, it's not okay, but they they make it seem like it is and like and then when you see the opposite happen, it's like a tearful story but if what happens to like people like that look like me, Eliani, Derrick and Lyra, like it's it's like nothing yeah.


like the biggest thing about protest from me is publicity. Not on it as a whole, but on a specific part of it. So like, for example, Be Alive, I feel like most of the time, nobody saw the peaceful protest throughout the streets. It was until like maybe halfway where I was getting successful, as long as you started to see it, and then it was all focused on the riots of it. But like, where was the peacefulness happening across the country? No.


on it because it would be almost considered a riot at that point just because of one city where it had gone bad. That's the thing that they need to focus on is that publicity is towards the bad stuff and that's the media's fault. So really we as a public nation, we're not saying the good that it's doing, we're just saying the bad that it's causing. So we really have no truth on if it's a good practice or a bad one, whether it's a sport or not. So that's the problem. Did any of you guys go to the...


black or brown. Yes. I will tell you about it.


before you could say it was, everyone was like coming together, they were chanting stuff, and I didn't see anybody like standing on the sidewalk saying like, you shouldn't be doing this or anything, I feel like Key West is a very like, welcoming and very non-racist place, I feel like so that's one of the reasons why it was so good, but other places of course didn't have the same reaction and effects that we had down here, cause right after we finished the protest, we all sat down in a...


It was a white girl. She was over here saying all the stuff people were changing like that with her. We were like united, and we both believed in the cause. And I feel like that was one of the most, that's pretty effective. That was very effective. Because everybody there was, we weren't sad. We were angry, but we weren't being violent about it. We were having it in a different. And I think you bring up a really good point. One thing that protests are good for is that you know who you're.


and you may find some new people that you wouldn't know.


And then in the future, you know, these are my people I continue to do.


I saw some people listening in who participated in that march and they might be interested. You guys, if you have anything to say. I remember your grandfather line dancing afterwards. Talk about your line dancing. That was good. If anyone has any experiences they want to talk about?


Yeah The first one was the financial impact and withholding our monetary contributions will have the biggest impact and then Another one was peaceful protest don't procure ratings


I would call that like a boycott. She's saying that that's really an effective form of protest, because we've just been talking mostly about marches, the public-facing building awareness. But that idea last time, especially I think when we were talking about the marches,


You don't want to give your money to people who are putting you down. It's been effective before with the bus boycott. The bus boycott is effective before, so showing the fact that we contribute so much to your company or just the US in general and without us, your company will take a fall, a downfall, that will show that you need us just as much as you need you to believe in what we're saying. That's a really good strategy.


Yeah, there's another one. He said on a local...


On a local level, civil disobedience might still be constructive when trying to bring attention to an issue affecting that community. But even then, that is a method that's best employed where direct negotiation has failed. Unfortunately, we're at a place in our country where both those who would do us harm and those who used to march with us have become somewhat desensitized.


You guys are whoever wants to add input and welcome to unmute their mics so we can have an open conversation. Yeah. So, but I think your grandma is making a really important point that things have changed over the years. And...


So we have to think a little bit.


We're gonna boycott


I think your money is cool. Ha ha ha.


Education is important. Right, but if there's things about, you know, a lot of the protests on the West Coast and some, to a certain extent, on the East Coast, way back in the day, those protests started on college campuses.


with people that were... Yeah, that's... There was one more. So, then they started with people who were specifically upset about things that were going on in their classrooms. They were upset about not being able to exercise their free speech rights on campus. So, your schools, you all are going off to college. Yeah.


And this is a really good place for you to kind of pay attention and experiment to see do you have some money power on that campus? Your tuition in case there are bills. You might find some things that might be worth strategizing together.


You know how in our Mr. Huns are not allowed to teach us anything about race? Yeah. It's like, I feel like asking those questions in the class and not giving up. Yes! Like, I'm gonna answer that and then just keep asking the question. Yeah, I like that. Until it ends up getting answered. That's cool. Your mom said, what about banning...


What about book banning in your school library or the limitations in cultural education? Oh, I think you guys are thinking about book banning. Yeah, we are. We are.


I went up and I checked your school library and she is on the down low. She's doing well. She has so many good books and books that are on that list that you're not supposed to have. Don't tell anybody. That's easy. See you here with you next time.


like if we speak to our librarian about what's going on with these issues and our teachers, I mean, some of them do want to help us. And I've had conversations with her and how she's very active in this and making sure we get our books and our education that she doesn't stop. And this organization is, you know, we can talk about these things here because we're not on campus, right? That's why this is essential.


Your mom said inconsistent dress codes.


I know.


My mother. Yes. Is that an issue for you guys? Is there a difference in how women are policed differently than men? It's not. I feel like it's not as as forced as U.S. high school. As they have it written there. They make it more like they're more honest than I am. They get way more. I think they try to stop it.


like a person like will stop for that week and the next week they'll continue wearing or they'll just be like I bought this clothes


Is there a difference between the enforcement for women and the enforcement for men? Yeah, oh yeah, definitely. I think the only enforcement for men is sure. You wanna come join us? Nope, no. What's written on the paper there, it obviously doesn't say like, Unforced on Women, but it's... I mean, guys aren't gonna wear crop tops, like... Some do, you know?


Some do, yeah. But even then they don't get to learn anything. Yeah. Boys wear white feeters? Yeah. Nothing. We call them TikToks. TikToks. Sorry.




They think it's showing too much just because it's the female.


And I feel like it's not just boys and girls, I feel like it's also based on your race. If you're not a white girl, if you're Hispanic girl, if you're a black girl, I feel like you're being stared at more and being watched more than anyone else. Because I remember in one of my classes, I was wearing this shirt that was like cropped, and another girl would wear booty shorts every day. And the teacher told me like, you can't wear that. And the girl had just walked up to her desk and just told her that like,


I'm like a painter at home or something, and I'm saying like, why can't I wear this? Like, now you're thinking like, why can't I wear this when she can wear that? Mm-hmm. And it's just, it happens a lot. Yeah. Women of color often sexualize more.


Um, two things. Um, different standards for hair textures rather than lengths. And also, how can you protest peacefully those unfair rules?


Yeah, that is something to think about. I mean, if it's an issue that really bothers you, then sometimes if everybody does the thing at the same time, then there's too many people who are


consistently than you.


showing everybody this is an inconsistency that's not there. I feel like doing that is showing us that we're united. We have a voice and we're able to use it. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And to me, that's what's effective about protesting. It's you learning your voice.


I'm sure. Hey, you're such a jerk. No. That's not true. Let's go right back to what we talked about last time. Yeah.


Like, um, some might not look, what your hair is right now, some might not look as professional. Yeah. Um, today actually, um, I got a compliment. She was, um, when I got my curly hair, I don't really get as much compliment probably because I wear it every day, but I feel like it's also today I've got a compliment from mother saying that.


hair looked really nice. And I appreciate that, like I tried like, like styling it up, but it also makes me think, should I keep it this way? Because I didn't get compliments when my hair was curled. So it makes you like, it's like a double standard. You want it. Especially for like, black women, they find it though, having their natural hair, having it.


your hair curly or having a style that isn't processed or straightened is unprofessional and it's unkept. Like your hair isn't like, my hair is brushed up, gelled down, I got all the products in it, I know my hair is well kept and put together. So it's just how the media perceives like it's just, it's unprofessional. I feel like I'm put together.


It's that sense that if you behave respectfully at all times, then white people will treat you better. And it doesn't work, right? But it holds you to a higher standard, and you're constantly striving, and there's a chance for people to say, well, you're getting that bad treatment because you didn't do whatever. Dress this way. Do your...


even if it's just trying to wear more clothing, like crop tops, just trying to care of just because you feel like it. That's something we can take to a protest, and if people are taking it seriously, we can actually try to make it a new norm. Rather than having to be super fancy for absolutely everything. Which is something protest can do if it goes the right way.


So maybe in some ways a protest is just getting the people without your back and deciding where you want to live your life in and backing you.


small scale. It's taking the power back. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah, I like that. I think that's the biggest problem is that protests don't really have a meaning until there's something being lost or too much of something being gained. So like, for example, if a committee is being protested...


outside their front door, they wouldn't care. But if they started to lose money because of it, they would probably address it that way. So until there's a reasonable thing to change, I think most people won't, and that's the biggest problem.


We need to give them a reason to with our economic power. Yes, that's it. I like that. Good. You guys did great. You did great. Surprise special guest, Ms. Lohr. Everybody give it up for Ms. Lohr.


Teacher, thank you for your family. You're a entire family. Okay. Okay, T-Mill. Okay, next month, we're at your house. Okay. Teacher, we might have a special... You.


He said I'll be there.


When art dies, art dies.


join our join the coalition. All right. No, no. Thank you.


Alright, now, wait what's all the pizza colors? Is it my fault? No. Is it? Hang up!


Oh, your mom said racial disparities in the medical field. Oh. That's right.


He said y'all did great, you was watching it.


I'm sorry.


It's in the cooler. It's in the water.




I don't even drink this whole water.


Can you hear the...


Thank you.