ARCC’s 3-Year Anniversary and the Launch of the ARCC Personal Transformation Process

On October 1, 2023, the Anti-Racism Commitment Coalition, or ARCC, reached a very important milestone, the achievement of our 3rd Anniversary. We formally launched ARCC on October 1, 2020, and since that time we’ve reached tens of thousands with our message, and inspired many to Stand Up, Speak Out and Act with couRage to Create Change.

We started ARCC with 6 volunteers and have now built an organization of >50 volunteers and interns with presence across the USA, Spain and Germany. I am very proud to say that our board of directors is both majority female (60%) and majority members of historically underrepresented minority groups (60%).


ARCC has over 100 formal coalition members, but our website visits and social media following has engaged tens of thousands and continues to expand exponentially.

We’ve published 3 seasons 31 episodes of The ARCC of Change with Donzel Leggett podcast and earned over 3,500 downloads.

We also launched the Community in Action or CIA discussion group, which is in its third season as well, and, very excitingly, will now be run by student coalition members / volunteers at Key West (FL) High School. Additionally, we are also in our third season of ARCC talk show called The DeepDIVE, hosted by student coalition members / volunteers from Chaska (MN) High School and the University of Minnesota.

However, the most significant accomplishment is the development and launch a formal process for initiating YOUR personal transformation to become Anti-Racist, which is the cornerstone of ARCC’s vision and mission. 

The ARCC Personal Transformation Process is as follows: 

  1. Erase your ignorance about racism and hate. 
  2. Educate yourself about anti-racism.
  3. Build your character and confidence to stand up, speak out and take action to spread Anti-Racism.

The ARCC Personal Transformation Process is in the final stages of refinement and will launch with its first cohort before the end of 2023. We previously deployed the initial version of this process with an internal cohort of over 30 ARCC coalition members two years ago and participants have reported incredible personal transformation results.

The team developing the updated process are refining it to make it more efficient and even more experiential while maintaining its deferential transformational impact.  We are confident that our process is significantly different and much more impactful and transformational than contemporary DEI training. The difference is that what you will experience with ARCC is not training, but instead a Personal Transformation Process that is the core of what ARCC is about, transforming YOU to be Anti-Racist and building YOUR character and confidence to Stand Up, Speak Out and Act with couRage to Create Change and spread Anti-Racism.

If you are interested in participating in the upcoming ARCC Personal Transformation Process cohort, contact us at

Graphic Art credit: Copyright © 2023 A. Chris Kegel and the Anti-Racism Commitment Coalition (ARCC). All Rights Reserved.