2 events found.
Release of first ARCC Podcast: “The ARCC of Change” With Donzel Leggett
Season 1, Episode 1 - What Is ARCC, Who Is Donzel, and Why Should I Listen? In his very first episode, Donzel introduces himself and describes his credibility and inspiration to SPEAK OUT, STAND UP, and TAKE ACTION to drive The ARCC of CHANGE. Donzel also introduces you to the Anti-Racism Commitment Coalition, or ARCC,…
“The ARCC of Change” With Donzel Leggett
Season 1, Episode 2: Why We Must VOTE NO to 45! Donzel explains why VOTING NO to Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is imperative for ARCC members and supporters and why this completely aligns with the ARCC value of all political views being welcomed to join ARCC.