Our work

How our community inspires others to fight racism and promote social justice

Our mission is to provide inspiration, education, and support for you to practice and spread anti-racism. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education.”

Videos about ARCC

What we do

ARCC is here to teach and help you with your transformation to anti-racism by providing support and resources in three critical areas:

1. Erasing IGNORANCE about racism.

Erasing IGNORANCE about racism and hate, whether it’s unconscious or conscious but ignored. We promote social justice and the erasure of structural, systemic, and institutional racism. Here, we openly talk about white privilege and stereotypes like the “model minority.”


This includes addressing one of the greatest frauds in history: the concept of race itself, which fails tests of common sense and science. Remember that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., also said “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Addressing this first is crucial.

2. Building INTELLIGENCE about anti-racism.

Building INTELLIGENCE by learning about anti-racism and understanding how it differs from non-racism. The biggest impediment to eradicating racism is not the racist. It's the “non-racist,” who is unwilling to see the reality of structural and systemic racism or take action to destroy it and acknowledge history—which further supports the institution and endurance of racism. There is no middle ground with racism. You're on the side of racism or the side of anti-racism.

3. Developing CHARACTER to spread anti-racism.

Developing CHARACTER, confidence, resolve, and determination to act on the knowledge and capability you build to eradicate racism and spread anti-racism. We encourage members to speak up against the microaggressions they hear every day.

This includes developing the courage to stand up, speak out, and take action to transform those in your network. Encourage them to become anti-racists. Talk to those closest to you, your family and friends, and break down all forms of racism.

How we do it

ARCC will spread anti-racism by leveraging the effect of exponential network growth with simplicity, clarity, inclusivity, and inspiration.

We will eradicate racism and spread anti-racism through EXPONENTIAL NETWORK GROWTH.

We make it clear that each person is accountable for eradicating hate and racism. Everyone has the power to take action. Specifically, we reinforce the fact that one person can help change the world through the effect of exponential network growth. By advocating for anti-racism in your network, we can make sure tragedies like the Tuskegee syphilis study never happen again.

We will keep ARCC SIMPLE and CLEAR.

There is no centrist middle ground regarding racism. You are on the side of racism or the side of anti-racism. You either commit to becoming an anti-racist or you don't. We will keep language clear and simple to promote ease of understanding, translation, adoption, and activation. We will communicate clearly and simply to help ensure that there are no misunderstandings, and we will be transparent and direct so there is no coded language or ingrained beliefs that are left unsaid or unaddressed.

We will make ARCC INCLUSIVE.

We will ensure that any person who is willing to commit to be a part of ARCC and do the work, feels welcomed, valued, accountable and empowered to drive change, eradicate racism and spread anti-racism.

We will provide resources, support, and INSPIRATION.

ARCC strives to ensure that every person has the structural and emotional support to keep learning and building the confidence to speak out, stand up, take action, and transform their network. Many people don’t enter challenging and uncomfortable territory by themselves without knowing exactly what will happen. However, once they see others jump in, they find the confidence to do it, too. It’s like the TED Talk video of how to start a movement, where one person starts dancing on a crowded beach with no music, and everyone looks at this person like he is crazy. Then, a second brave person joins the first person in the dance. Soon, everyone on the beach is dancing. One person started the dance, but it was the second and third and the others who followed that created the tipping point and made it a movement. Seize the moment and make future generations see today as the beginning of an anti-racist movement.

Video: Start a Movement (Derek Sivers) (5:41)

ARCC helps members develop the confidence to be an anti-racist pushing toward the tipping point of becoming a massive movement. But, unlike the dancers in the video who must eventually stop dancing on the beach and go home, the ARCC movement continues to spread because it is based on a commitment to build a racism-free world.

As new members commit to ARCC’s vision, our numbers will increase in real time. Members are profiled on the "Our People” (ADDING A LINK TO THE PAGE) page. Included are their pictures and names, as well as their testimonials to convey their commitment and demonstrate the vast support network we are building. However, this movement is not a random dance.

ARCC is an altruistic necessity that has been 400 years in the making. So COMMIT NOW TO ARCC and become part of the movement that will end racism once and for all.