Encapsulating HOPE: What it Means to be Optimistic and Endure

Springtime Butterflies. Artwork by Jason Custer.

The ARCC of Change has recently launched its fourth season, and Episode 2 welcomes Managing Director of the Minnesota Business Coalition for Racial Equity (MBCRE) Tiffani Daniels to discuss what has happened during the four years after George Floyd’s brutal murder.

Floyd’s murder back on May 25, 2020, is described as the catalyst for many organizations, including ARCC and the MBCRE, to finally step up and take a proactive stance against racism and hate. However, as discussed in the podcast episode, many have been left disappointed as empty promises to finally make a change keep remaining unfulfilled. Just this month, we witnessed the horrifying murder of Sonya Massey at the hands of police in Illinois. Names like Breonna Taylor and Atatiana Jefferson resurfaced as yet another innocent life was taken and martyred. However, as discussed in the podcast episode, the past four years have proven numerous corporations to look at DEI and justice work as damage control, minimizing negative press during a time of crisis and uprising instead of looking to maximize positive change in their communities. 

The ARCC of Change’s slogan HOPE: How Optimistic People Endure is not just a theme for all of Donzel’s guests, but for all those who join in on the fight against hate. Let us not succumb to the horrors that we fight against, but instead, let us remember the humanity that we are fighting for. 

To listen to the podcast: https://joinarcc.org/george-floyd-four-years-later-whats-really-changed/?%2F#