November 24, 2020

João Geraldo Pinto F

Smiling man wearing glasses and blue shirt.

João Geraldo Pinto F

Campinas, SP

Why I joined ARCC?

All people are born equally. Differences make the world great!
I am a physician, specialist in Child and Juvenile Psychiatry and Junguian Psychotherapy for 48 years.
Today, November 20th, National Black Awareness Day in Brazil, I became aware of this great Brazilian: Doctor Juliano Moreira.
I feel embarrassed by my ignorance, but encouraged to confess this publicly.
Like me, how many Brazilians are unaware of such important facts regarding the history of so many like Dr. Moreira’s?
Just because he was black man?
Somewhat disgusted with this situation and my feelings, I decided to join ARCC, to collaborate with this fight that belongs to you, and which, I believe, should belong to everyone.
With firm will, I took this decision.

A recognition:

DR. JULIANO MOREIRA – Physician, born in the state of Bahia – (1872/1933), son of slaves.
Considered the founder of psychiatry in Brazil, he fought scientific racism at the time.
During his years of practice, he fought for the protection of the rights of people with mental disorders and against the usual treatment of mental illnesses in the early 20th century, which included tying and isolating patients.
As director of the Hospital dos Alienados, he reactivated the workshops, essential initiatives for the reintegration of patients into society.